Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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The break in the undergrowth.

By now everyone knows that one of the little pleasures in life is essential coffee or tea with my friends. Without distinction, although the presence or in thought. In the sense that if there is such an event in person, in my city, in a downtown bar, with friends native and resident there, there is also the virtual event, simultaneously, a unified network, so to speak. Her office, I in my kitchen, the sound of Nespresso who feels the phone, talking about everything there is to talk while drinking and graceful, funny dall'apposita bowl, the coffee you choose, whether wittingly or Rome, or the limited edition of almonds. This happens in a marriage electronic, telephone and cable car between Turin and my house.
To make this more acceptable, that you need gratification from time to time, eccheccavolo, here I have prepared some sweets in the Undergrowth, more freely drawn from recipes Csaba, but I do not have the molds made in pink or rather, not yet, because I've already spotted in a shop window in Via San Lorenzo and soon will be mine. A small break with such a delight is good for the soul, heart, spirit and feeling, and while we're pure inspiration. But next time it I have to do a double portion, if not, Knitaly, but how?
Now, to get the sweets of the forest must be so

125 grams of butter

125 grams of sugar
2 eggs
Biancaflor 185 grams of flour that rises from himself
180 cc of milk (which while I have forgotten)
a small vial of vanilla flavor

two spoonfuls of berries, we really would like the raspberries and that in itself says a long on my nearest but I must say that the result is excellent and then you have the same.

KA I banged in the butter and sugar, I've scoured the floor and I continued to whisk flour, I added the vanilla and berries for the last and without a beat, though.
Po, filled it with the very concentrated mixture Pirrottina the paper into the mold and the muffins I baked at 170 degrees for about twenty minutes depending on your oven, if you know if c'avete confidence, if you know what type it is. The cookies should not overcook, they just need a little brown and remain morbidisssssimi.
be consumed in multiples of 2.
If not, does not apply.

Monday, January 24, 2011

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

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muffins on demand.

E 'was a great weekend kitchen. Not so much for the quality or sophisticated dishes prepared for you. Indeed, I have prepared some simple things, plagiarized here and there, but I did a great cook well and I know I should do it more often, if in the end I'm fine how I am. Apart cupcakes of yesterday, today m'è got to make muffins, which I had done yesterday, but then one of the children had not arrived in time to taste and therefore, as often happens for different dishes in the kitchen of Hill House, it must be belittling in a few days, if not just a few hours. So they are rebuilt, and are still rummaging in the pantry of flour Mulino Marino and mixed with Manitoba. Intentionally irregular, not perfect, muffins, which I copied from Csaba , are versatile, glamorous and, needless to say, very good. Feed poor children and thoughtful indecipherable, or arrived in a state of semicongelamento the football game, or mawkish girls love Coldplay. Excellent to serve with the farcitissime any, from ham to roast turkey, although I know of someone, a lover of debauchery, has married the Nutella, and even so good, carefully fished from the trash, just warm, soft and inviting. Easy, fast, wonderful. Like all things perfect.

is what you have to make 18 muffins.

600 grams of flour, I've put half and half of Manitoba Mulino Marino, 00 flour, of course.

300 grams of water

1 cube of yeast, to be dissolved in a cup colored with grace.


Leave the dough covered with a cloth embroidered with the words perhaps LOVE CHOCOLATE is like mine, for about an hour.

extra virgin olive oil to brush before baking at 235 degrees for one quarter of an hour, which is the operation that I like most do, in absolute

Saturday, January 22, 2011

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And at the end of the evening came, darkness came suddenly, in no uncertain terms, grabbed us all with his deadly embrace .. the Milan prosecutors had detached light.

An endless struggle that has lasted since 1994, March 27 to be precise, no holds barred low.
But this time the principals are not sought overseas, but the choices of the Gods comes this infamous guerrilla. A totally internal matter, with the aim of taking power to keep it long. SB

The dusk is ascertained, it should not make another term, so why persisting in this way against him?

Gods, as mentioned several times, had chosen to give the trio a chance Bersani-Fini Casini, then they backtracked. The trio was hungry and too stupid to manage a puppet government behind the scenes?

( Bersani is the secretary of PD, the unfinished story of the most successful Italian politics, the total failure the old left, now in disarray on all fronts.
Casini is the man that is explained only in the fight against all forms of federalism by the large Italian business groups.
Fini is the personification of eight in September, the worthy son of Badoglio, from the beginning have opened its excellence in the art of betrayal and words without meaning.)

the end decided to keep the Olympic forum SB, which continued to be the least worst to deal with for some divisions and appointment, since access to the Italian case was barred by Giulio.

The owners of the U.S. government and the Fed sought In fact, even the ECB, to be able to move the levers and financial control across the Atlantic and, in doing so, take time to heal and heal the deep wounds in their structure and their heritage. The Dragons would shoot

been identified by the Italian prime minister, as the Italian candidate for Frankfurt, Saxon-speaking breaking the axle. Mario Draghi, in fact, did not go on the throne of Unicredit, very close to SB, but remained above Bank of Italy, prepared for any eventuality. His trademark is a sign of Goldman safety and obstinacy from the days of attendance of Panfilo, as a young director of the Treasury, trust always well placed.

SB, always there with its rottenness of the prison, had agreed, reluctantly neck, the situation that breached his independence and his encounter with the story, meeting with the shortcomings to a fate more thankless than expected.

The business committee united left, in fact, not at all convinced of the goodness of the Olympic, he stood sideways and he resumed the usual alliances, PdM and self-styled journalists and TV news programs, launched the attack remained silent for so long, despite shipyards working hard to find anything.

Ruby or Ruby, Minetti and his sister, characters in search of a bed rather than an author, the accusations have become anxious to carry SB to resign.

This fast and frantic that pressure, not only directed the old man of Arcore, but also to his successor, Giulio Tremonti, already indicated by the Gods, in two meetings, one of the group and the Trilateral Billderberg.

The Italian position in Europe is still crucial to the balance of geopolitics, including gas and energy. Germany and Russia against England and France, without losing sight of the Muslim penetration into Europe, launched by China blow.

The output of SB, especially if traumatic, in fact, will compact the right side or pseudo-right, with a League rampant in the north where the anger towards centralism and red to certain big powers that are opposed so fierce federalism, especially fiscal, will explode with percentages in Bulgarian elections. Better to deal with those who truly possesses the keys to a Bavarian Italian, rather than argue endlessly with the proponents of the hairy Italian sauce rainbow solidarity with the money in Vaduz.

The red cash business committee, has accelerated since the attack, going beyond all limits and decency, with all its stakeholders poor low lineage, believed to be the decisive ring, while they are only pawns in brown.

The rest is well known, of little interest, smoke screen to hide the real moves that will never be written in the newspapers or notice dead Italic crowd the newsstands.

Junio \u200b\u200bValerio Borghese, Nino Buttazzoni, Eugene Volk, Italo Balbo, Teseo Tesei, go down, there are some things to fix and restore some priorities. ... Even national.

Ah, there are some people to start agricultural work, as they write and think with their feet, and others to sweep quite literally. You may return to this country and give us a worthless hand in this sensitive time? Thanks

Italo Muti

Sunday, January 16, 2011

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

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10 to January 30, 2011 there is a new and simple way to support the mission of Theodora Foundation in helping children in hospitals: send an SMS or call 45,502 fixed-line and donate € 2 to Theodora Foundation and a smile to a little sick.

Today your SMS is the smile of a child!

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It 's been even the Christmas period, you return to the daily acceleration with the legs and reflexes a bit soft' tarnished? Perhaps, for sure with a little sadness.

Time is the only variable that can not stop, or incorporate, or globalize, either homo capitalist can, berluscones or left (?) That is. In this case we are all equal, it just changes the way of parading down the runway, without resorting to categorical statements of Aristotle, the most glamorous but less suited to today's needs.

The etiquette is the most controversial issue in the halls worldly, a little 'less from the last links in the chain. The middle class? No longer exists, was knocked down by a number of factors and characters, especially the so-called short-sightedness of the ruling class.

Without the middle class, there is no civil society, there is no economic and social development, but is out of the anarchy and selfishness are more acute. Also missing the Aurelian walls, missing just the basics to live a Cozzaglia of states that once formed the Europe. We are at a crossroads, Eurss Eurabia ... .. or the worst of the series there is no end. The first Islamic party was formed in Milan, supports the mayoral candidate of the left. The latter, still defend the memory of the Shoah, but also a healthy vision of sharia?

But we, we were not empty handed, we have Charles, who loves piemunteisa French, gauche caviar and does not want to be identified with Italy, wants to be chic. But in doing so, remains a perfect provincial, called the Italienne trans people by the people.

Among his works, including the active help given to Cesare Battisti, famous murderess escaped across the Alps in order to arrive safely in Brazil. But thanks to intelligence, the will as well as a petit baiser, shoots to arms that they did take this action so incredibly stupid?

Lula, along with Carlo is ready to finish the next book by Gianni Mina, he is always ready to understand where is the repression and injustice. They are satisfying.

To return to our chronicles, the unstoppable SB after Mini Judah without having sparigliato prepulzio the Chamber of Deputies, he begins to realize that the gods have appointed his successor, even in a moment of absence of men. The ideas we have never been.
SuperGiulio, mentor League characters that has not be spent abroad, moves faster and keep your guard high so as not to missteps and phony promises. This is gianfry was thrilled, but the grand strategist, as he could think of to beat the SB commercial?

remains on the left side, incomplete ring of our political landscape, which continues to move forward, however hesitantly, to reinvent the wheel, as you climb on the roofs of el'inconsistenza not. D'Alema, always and consistently intelligent, yet he returned the papers in a controversial and irreverent. Mocked the places and ordinary people, gone to Sainkt Moritz skiing, already attended by Luciano Lama in the years gone by. Along with Profumo, 60 million euro severance pay, he found something left to say: MUMM.

Italo Muti

Sunday, January 2, 2011

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Happy New Year!

Hope everyone a good 2011 and a special thanks to all those who have enjoyed the party with us and who gave us a hand so that all could at best.