What do you like about this job?
part of my life .. I first to say I do not like.
I do not like that there are still so many diseases. It may seem as trivial statement, but for me That's right ...
What are the best memories of your visits to the hospital?
I have many. An episode that made me grow up and believe more in what we do Doctor Dreams was the first time a doctor walked into a room that I was visiting, told me ... "Sorry I interrupted ...". collaboration with the medical staff and respect for fundamental roles is . Receive recognition from the medical staff and hospital is truly a pleasure.
know you got a great little fellow who comes out of the pockets of your coat, as his name?
E 'John was a rabbit that follows me from "my birth" ... It' s a bit antiquated - 14 years for a rabbit are so many! - But is always present, even if it often remains in the bag dormiredentro, sometimes for months, almost like hibernating, but it gives me great confidence. His first visit to Italy took place in the pediatric ward of the Cancer Institute of Milan in May 1995.
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