http://www.youtube.com/watch? v = bU12KW-XyZE & feature = player_embedded
Perception is the mantra that commands, which is rampant on the screens of the world, which decides disputes, which hoist the views, which fluctuates in and on our lives, solid truth and fiction always win by their own interest.
The West is filled but it does not understand, without understanding the tastes and is unwitting victim believed to be the executioner.
Orientals and Arabs have a different approach, different from our material but, as good students, they understood our weaknesses and rage without us complaining.
But we have political correctness and moral solidarity on the international market worth almost zero, slice zero, a nothing that we pretend to be heavy concepts, with unintentional humor, even in a perfect timing onanism of a world almost passed off with little chance to stand out again the flight.
The last test is the quarrel between the troops of Israel and the freedom flotilla that would violate the embargo of Gaza through the waters Israel.
A perfect plan, provocative, organized by the IHH movement, close to Hamas and Al Qaeda, who have always practiced movements, with undying and Herculean efforts, integration and democracy, respect for others who have their central pivot.
However, searching for the confrontation, provocation and of the dead, then to be bandied about in the world, has been successful, achieving goals and target audience.
Israel came out defeat by the media, the global buuu for his ferocity, he went on all media, a continuous flow of heavy criticism even have flooded the world from east to west and from north to south, while in Turkey if the laughed merrily. Not much cared about the dead, as the other part of the Palestinians, cannon fodder and malsopportati from Lebanon and Egypt, let alone other Arab guests.
But Israeli brutality is on everyone's lips, the concentration camp of Gaza same, and the truth about the facts of the case and buried in the name of perception, an appetizer of what will happen when the conquest of Europe will move to phase two doing what Fallaci feared, Eurabia.
It arose in Europe manifestations of anger and protest to the massacre by the usual suspects, the cock solidarity, left, of immigrants, social centers, men of culture who could not understand the violence of IDF soldiers.
Many of these champions of hairy protest have requested the help of NATO, not knowing that it is now in Russian hands, and that Mr. NiceGuy, in sharp descent, is in a stage of complete impasse. Obama is being blackmailed by simpatci Russian bases in Afghanistan and transport while on the other hand, prevents the spread of the fever endemic Asian Muslim republics in Russia.
course, when suicide bombers are killing in the bars of Tel Aviv, the bombs killed civilians in Sderot, the IDF soldiers were kidnapped without the Red Cross and UN to intervene, if they are left in their homes to giggle, to check if the has come to the right infusion.
How, incidentally, had happened in the aftermath of the attack on the Twin Towers, rejoicing in the Arab and European sputazzi Americans led by hatred against Bush, because basically, if the Americans had wanted.
However, looking at the video of the alleged massacre, at the beginning of the article, the facts, as always, speak one language, that of truth, put the lie in an almost total the vulgate was stunned for a few days, making us understand that the perception and the truth are not equivalent concepts, and that Europe must review priorities and vision of the world if it wants to survive with their morals and still have a story
Italo Muti
The West is filled but it does not understand, without understanding the tastes and is unwitting victim believed to be the executioner.
Orientals and Arabs have a different approach, different from our material but, as good students, they understood our weaknesses and rage without us complaining.
But we have political correctness and moral solidarity on the international market worth almost zero, slice zero, a nothing that we pretend to be heavy concepts, with unintentional humor, even in a perfect timing onanism of a world almost passed off with little chance to stand out again the flight.
The last test is the quarrel between the troops of Israel and the freedom flotilla that would violate the embargo of Gaza through the waters Israel.
A perfect plan, provocative, organized by the IHH movement, close to Hamas and Al Qaeda, who have always practiced movements, with undying and Herculean efforts, integration and democracy, respect for others who have their central pivot.
However, searching for the confrontation, provocation and of the dead, then to be bandied about in the world, has been successful, achieving goals and target audience.
Israel came out defeat by the media, the global buuu for his ferocity, he went on all media, a continuous flow of heavy criticism even have flooded the world from east to west and from north to south, while in Turkey if the laughed merrily. Not much cared about the dead, as the other part of the Palestinians, cannon fodder and malsopportati from Lebanon and Egypt, let alone other Arab guests.
But Israeli brutality is on everyone's lips, the concentration camp of Gaza same, and the truth about the facts of the case and buried in the name of perception, an appetizer of what will happen when the conquest of Europe will move to phase two doing what Fallaci feared, Eurabia.
It arose in Europe manifestations of anger and protest to the massacre by the usual suspects, the cock solidarity, left, of immigrants, social centers, men of culture who could not understand the violence of IDF soldiers.
Many of these champions of hairy protest have requested the help of NATO, not knowing that it is now in Russian hands, and that Mr. NiceGuy, in sharp descent, is in a stage of complete impasse. Obama is being blackmailed by simpatci Russian bases in Afghanistan and transport while on the other hand, prevents the spread of the fever endemic Asian Muslim republics in Russia.
course, when suicide bombers are killing in the bars of Tel Aviv, the bombs killed civilians in Sderot, the IDF soldiers were kidnapped without the Red Cross and UN to intervene, if they are left in their homes to giggle, to check if the has come to the right infusion.
How, incidentally, had happened in the aftermath of the attack on the Twin Towers, rejoicing in the Arab and European sputazzi Americans led by hatred against Bush, because basically, if the Americans had wanted.
However, looking at the video of the alleged massacre, at the beginning of the article, the facts, as always, speak one language, that of truth, put the lie in an almost total the vulgate was stunned for a few days, making us understand that the perception and the truth are not equivalent concepts, and that Europe must review priorities and vision of the world if it wants to survive with their morals and still have a story
Italo Muti
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