In recent days two things have impressed in their immediacy, the revolt of Spartacus and the death of Gianfranco Fini Raimondo Vianello. If the first
continues on the path of failure certificate, so I would say stubborn, the second he left this life without losing the inevitable style, not being afraid of the black lady that everyone expects. The
Gianfranco de 'noartri, although not on the road to Tarsus, has illuminated the face of Italian politics with the small parties likely to be 4% of staff, finally finding to fill the hole in the hemicycle of parliament. The followers of Fini could create self-parliamentary groups in the sign of difference, a line that separates them from the line of SB, they consider too pro League.
At first glance you might think of a dissociation for the dissatisfaction of being perceived as an eternal number 2, discontent grew over time and with advancing age of the person.
propose as a new man is no longer possible, especially when the U.S. elected a president forties, even tanned.
All beautiful, all linear, too simple, turn the stone found along the banks of the river and see if there are lichens below.
Balances international interests have shifted and are fluttering. SB, with its twists and its friends, has friendly relations with non-USA, UK and Israel and its secret services, because of his foreign policy is too pro-Russia and its attachments (Libya and African muslim) and, also, with friends of the yacht, which has barred entry to the case with Italy for positions of power.
Although he made a bad shape with the submission of lists for regional elections, has swept the same sharply rebounded from the corner when it was finished, feeling free from the chains and the help that they wanted to impose through the losers club ; Bersani, Casini-Caltagirone and the same Spartacus.
Here then is the discontent of Gianfranco, took another shade of gray, in a leaden sky increasingly difficult to see in Italy that is recovery. It 's always been an obedient man who carried out their assigned duties without much discussion, our gianfry. Who knows how it will be happy that his mentor had paved the way in politics.
For the symbol, Fini dear, do not worry, it's already done quite a gray circle, of course, topped with a rope from a small bag for the money. Thirty unless I am mistaken.
Everything said by an entity (but there is Italy?) Comprising resumed only after the release of SB.
Coming to Raymond Piquette, there is no desire to spend rhetoric, but only slightly to greet a man who has repented of having been a target in the CSR, which has embodied salacious humor and irony and always sharp in his long life, never giving in the vulgarity . An I also greet your beloved Dalmatian that you loved so much, light and inviting as the sea that bathes.
Even on his death was ironic, as interpreted by his friend the Count Mascetti Tognazzi, but without pretense, right first time.
Spartacus, you know the difference?