This guy tried it on an evening of true delirium, quadno home was ready for anything appetizing and I must therefore due arrabattare with the things that I found hidden in the rooms of my refrigerator. Brussels sprouts, yes, those arising grimaces of disgust in all my children, nuts and feta. A nice combination. Sure, it's not my bag of flour. I took it from here, and I must say that it is quite simple, perhaps more to do than to say.
Sure, it's ugly. I know it well. But it is pleasant to taste, then, with that dish violettino also makes him and then, affancake also photography!
Ingredients for such ugliness.
The basic recipe of the cake is always the same, a basic dough can be èermettere to add all sorts of gastronomic frenzy, provided it is legal, free sale and / or cultivation.
380 grams of flour
10 cl of milk, partially skimmed
10 cl oilio plant
100 grams of grated gruyere
1 busitna yeast
salt and pepper to your pleasure.
To all this I added a dozen boiled sprouts, a dozen peeled hazelnuts and a pack of feta.
Exotic, unusual, like almost everyone.